Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Integrated Marketing Communication To Build Brands Essay

Integrated Marketing Communication To Build Brands - Essay Example To find a relationship between IMC, market orientation (MO), learning orientation (LO), brand orientation (BO) and brand performance 1000 questionnaires were mailed to 1000 organizations in Australia. MO has a direct positive relationship but LO do not have the relationship. Again BO has the relationship Both IMC and BO have a direct positive relationship with brand performance. IMC has a significant role to play in promoting the performance of the brand in the market. Conceptual approach redefining and supporting the empirical relationship could have been done.To find a relationship between IMC, market orientation (MO), learning orientation (LO), brand orientation (BO) and brand performance 1000 questionnaires were mailed to 1000 organizations in Australia. MO has a direct positive relationship but LO do not have the relationship. Again BO has the relationship Both IMC and BO have a direct positive relationship with brand performance. IMC has a significant role to play in promoting the performance of the brand in the market. Conceptual approach redefining and supporting the empirical relationship could have been done.Laric & Lynagh (2010) Role of IMC in sustainability marketing Based on operations of various firms and organizations, the ways as to how they tackle challenges by IMC Conceptual Approach Role of sustainability is very essential in organizations and IMC plays an effective part in enhancing it The key focus of the research was on sustainability and it has been marked as an important concept for organization. Both sustainability and IMC are important for organizations as they are correlated. A more in-depth analysis could have made the findings more viable. To examine the linkage between IMC and revenue generation. Earlier literature about IMC have been analyzed and propositions formulated and model has been developed Conceptual Approach. Internal marketing has an important role to play in organizations for generating revenue. Internal marketing enha nces the relationships among brand orientation, market orientation, and IMC. Both internal marketings, as well as intra-organizational marketing in the form of IMC, are important for organizational performance Propositions once developed are better evaluated by an empirical approach. To examine the effect of customer and competitor orientation and inter-functional coordination on the brand orientation that in turn affect to brand performance in SMEs. The hypothesis was developed and questionnaires were mailed to 4502 SMEs in Finland regarding the topic. Empirical Approach Customer orientation along with inter-functional coordination has an effect on brand orientation but competitor orientation does not have the relationship. The constructs of IMC has a direct impact on the brand performance.   Brand orientation and market orientation are directly related to the positive performance of the brand. More focus on the core concept of IMC should have been made. To focus on the concept o f IMC as a relationship-building strategy Random sample of communicating professionals from 1000 non-profit organizations were selected and the quantitative online survey was conducted.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Greek Mythology and Athena Essay Example for Free

Greek Mythology and Athena Essay On the top of Mt. Olympus lived one of the greatest g o d d e s s e s , A t h e n a . A t h e n a w a s k n o w n a s a g o d d e s s o f w a r, w i s d o m a n d a r t s . S h e i s p o r t r a y e d a s s t r o n g , f a i r a n d m e r c i f u l . S h e h e l p e d m a n y w a r r i o r s o n t h e i r j o u r n e y s . S h e w a s g r e a t l y a d m i r e d b y h u m a n s f o r h e r c o n t r i b u t i o n s t o m a n . A t h e n a w a s a l s o v e r y i n t e l l i g e n t a n d t h o u g h t f u l ; s h e r a r e l y l o s t h e r t e m p e r  a n d p u s h e d f o r a s o l u t i o n t h a t w a s b e n e f i c i a l . A s y o u r e a d o n y o u w i l l f i n d t h a t A t h e n a w a s a g r e a t a s s e t t o t h e O l y m p i a n s a n d h a d f a r m o r e p o s i t i v e a t t r i b u t e s t h a n o t h e r g o d d e s s e s . The birth of Athena was more than an unusual one. Her m o t h e r w a s M e t i s a n d h e r f a t h e r Z e u s . Z e u s r e i g n e d o v e r a l l t h e gods and goddesses of Mt. Olympus. It is no wonder that a god this powerful and dominant would need no woman to bear his  o f f s p r i n g . Z e u s w a s t o l d b y h i s m o t h e r a n d F a t h e r t h a t M e t i s w o u l d b a r e c h i l d r e n . Z e u s w a s n o t h a p p y a b o u t t h i s ; h e f e l t i t w o u l d j e o p a r d i z e h i s p o s i t i o n a s r u l e r. W h e n M e t i s w a s a b o u t t o g i v e b i r t h , Z e u s s w a l l o w e d h e r a n d i n t h e p r o c e s s g a i n e d h e r i n t e l l i g e n c e a n d w i s d o m . A t t h e t i m e Z e u s t h o u g h t i t w a s a g o o d i d e a b u t i t w a s n o w c a u s i n g h i m p a i n . H i s h e a d a c h e b e c a m e s o s e v e r e t h a t h e w o u l d d o a n y t h i n g t o r e l i e v e i t . H e gave permission for another god to hit him in the head with an axe. When he did this, out popped Athena full grown and w e a r i n g a s u i t o f a r m o r . A t h e n a b e c a m e h e r f a t h e r ’s f a v o r i t e . S h e r e m a i n e d h i s a l l y b u t a l s o h i s p r o t e c t o r. S h e p r o m o t e d h i s i n t e r e s t s a n d s e r v e d a s h i s a d v i s o r. A t h e n a a l s o i n h e r i t e d s o m e  i m p o r t a n t t r a i t s f r o m h e r m o t h e r a s w e l l ; w i s d o m a n d j u s t i c e were two of the big ones. A t h e n a w a s t h e g o d d e s s o f w i s d o m a n d w a r . S h e w a s normally depicted holding a spear, but she was known more for h e r r o l e a s m e d i a t o r a n d d i p l o m a t t h a n f o r a c t u a l l y f i g h t i n g i n b a t t l e . H e r d e c i s i o n s w e r e h i g h l y e t h i c a l a n d s e l d o m m o t i v a t e d b y h e r s e l f i n t e r e s t o r b e l i e f s . M a n y o f t h e G r e e k m y t h s t e l l  tales of her giving help to various gods, goddesses and hero’s a s t h e y w e n t i n t o b a t t l e . A t h e n a h a d g i v e n P e r s e u s h i s m o s t h e l p f u l t o o l t o s l a y M e d u s a , h i s s h i e l d . A n y o n e w h o l o o k e d t h e m o n s t e r d i r e c t l y i n t h e e y e s w o u l d b e t u r n e d t o s t o n e . A f t e r h e b e h e a d e s M e d u s a h e g a v e i t t o A t h e n a t o d e c o r a t e h e r a r m o u r. A l s o o n t h e v o y a g e b a c k f r o m t r o y s h e p r o t e c t e d U l y s s e s . T h e most help she gave though was to Hercules. She stood by his s i d e a n d w a s a g r e a t c o m f o r t t o h i m . A f t e r h i s p a s s i n g s h e w e l c o m e d h i m i n t o t h e g a t e s o f M t . O l y m p u s . A t h e n a c a m e d o w n f r o m M t . O l y m p u s a n d w a l k e d b e t w e e n t h e t w o a r m i e s a n d m a d e b o t h s i d e s s w e a r t o k e e p p e a c e , s h e d i d t h i s t o p r e v e n t t h e T r o j a n Wa r . U n f o r t u n a t e l y o n e o f t h e s o l d i e r s w e n t a g a i n s t h i s o a t h a n d l e t l o o s e h i s a r r o w ; t h i s w a s t h e b e g i n n i n g o f t h e  T r o j a n Wa r . A t h e n a e x p r e s s e d h e r a n g e r t o w a r d t h e s o l d i e r b y helping the other side to victory. In one of her most well known adventures Athena took shape of men, women and children to l e a d w a n d e r i n g O d y s s e u s . T h i s a l l o w e d h i m t o r e t u r n h o m e s a f e l y t o h i s f a m i l y a n d c h i l d r e n . Athena is one of the three virgin goddesses, referred to as a v i r g i n b e c a u s e s h e w a s a b l e t o r e m a i n u n s w a y e d b y A p h r o d i t e . Aphrodite is the goddess of love, marriage and motherhood. M o t h e r l e s s h e r s e l f , A t h e n a u s u a l l y p l a c e d P a t r i a r c h a l principles above motherly bonds. Athena not only gave to the w a r r i o r s b u t t o a l l h u m a n s . H e r r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s w e r e g i v i n g w i s d o m , i n v e n t i o n s , i n s p i r a t i o n s a n d p r o t e c t i n g t h e A t h e n s . O n e o f h e r g r e a t e s t g i f t s w a s h e r k n o w l e d g e o f t a m i n g h o r s e s , s h e taught the people of Cyrene and word soon spread. She also  c r e a t e d t h e p o t t e r y w h e e l a n d m a d e t h e f i r s t v a s e o n i t . S h e w a s a l s o a g r e a t w e a v e r a n d l o v e d t o d e c o r a t e . S h e w a s a g o d d e s s o f m a n y t a l e n t s a n d a n e x p e r t a r t i s a n . N o b o d y e v e r c a m e c l o s e t o s u r p a s s i n g h e r w o r k a l t h o u g h a y o u n g m o r t a l w o m a n n a m e d A r a c h n e ’ s p u t h e r t o t h e t e s t . T h e c h a l l e n g e w a s t o s e e w h o w a s t h e b e t t e r w e a v e r. A r a c h n e ’s t a p e s t r y h a d o f f e n d e d h e r g r e a t l y,  i t d e p i c t e d Z e u s a s a d u l t e r o u s . A t h e n a r i p p e d t h e t a p e s t r y t o s h r e d s a n d A r a c h n e e v e n t u a l l y h u n g h e r s e l f . O n c e A t h e n a h a d cooled off from what had happened, she transformed the woman i n t o a s p i d e r o u t o f p i t y. T h e w o m a n w a s n o w a b l e t o w e a v e b e a u t i f u l s p i d e r w e b s f o r e t e r n i t y. In the past Poseidon and Athena had a fight to take over a c i t y i n G r e e c e . To s e t t l e t h e a r g u m e n t , t h e y e a c h h a d t o g i v e a  g i f t t o t h e c i t y. T h e o n e w i t h t h e b e t t e r g i f t w o u l d b e c o m e l e a d e r o f t h e c i t y. P o s e i d o n g a v e a s p r i n g o f w a t e r t o t h e c i t y, b e c a u s e i t w a s s a l t w a t e r i t w a s o f n o u s e t o t h e p e o p l e . A t h e n a g a v e t h e c i t y a n o l i v e t r e e . F r o m t h i s t r e e t h e y c o u l d e a t , m a k e oil and have wood for fire. By ruling of the city, Athena’s gift w a s b e t t e r t h a n P o s e i d o n s . I n h e r h o n o r t h e y n a m e d t h e c i t y A t h e n s . T h e r e i s a l s o a p a l a c e d e d i c a t e d t o h e r i n A t h e n s . H e r s y m b o l s a r e t h e o w l a n d t h e o l i v e t r e e . T h e o l i v e s , t a m i n g o f t h e h o r s e a n d h e r c r e a t i o n o f t h e p o t t e r y w h e e l w e r e a l l c o n t r i b u t i o n s t h a t w e r e g r e a t l y a d m i r e d . O t h e r w o m e n r a r e l y t o o k t h r e a t t o A t h e n a ; t h e m o s t n o t a b l e e x c e p t i o n t h o u g h w a s h e r c h i l d h o o d f r i e n d P a l l a s . I n o n e o f t h e s t o r i e s P a l l a s a n d  A t h e n a w e r e b o t h t o m b o y s a n d i n s e p a r a b l e , t h e y p r a c t i c e d f i g h t i n g s k i l l s a n d s h a r e d p l a y f u l a d v e n t u r e s . D u r i n g t a r g e t p r a c t i c e , A t h e n a a c c i d e n t a l l y s h o t a n d k i l l e d P a l l a s w i t h a b o w and arrow. So distraught over the loss of her friend, Athena t o o k P a l l a s ’ n a m e a n d a d d e d i t t o h e r s . O f t e n t i m e s s h e w a s r e f e r r e d t o a s P a l l a s A t h e n a , t h i s w a s t o h o n o r h e r f r i e n d . N o t  o n l y d i d A t h e n a ’s d e c i s i o n s d e m o n s t r a t e w i s d o m b u t a l s o c o m p a s s i o n a s w e l l . I n a n o t h e r s t o r y a m a n n a m e d Te i r e s i a s a c c i d e n t a l l y w a l k e d i n o n A t h e n a w h i l e s h e w a s b a t h i n g . T h i s w a s a n a c t t h a t n o r m a l l y w o u l d h a v e b e e n p u n i s h e d b y d e a t h . Athena took pity on him though; she covered his eyes with her hands making the man blind. She gave him the gift of inner s i g h t. A t h e n a n o r m a l l y p u t p a t r i a r c h a l p r i n c i p l e s a b o v e  m a t r i a r c h a l b o n d s . S h e i d e n t i f i e d w i t h t h e p a t r i a r c h y a n d usually supported their side in a dispute. In the first trial of h i s t o r y, A t h e n a c a s t t h e f i n a l v o t e o n a c q u i t t i n g O r e s t e ’ s o f m u r d e r i n g h i s m o t h e r t o a v e n g e h i s f a t h e r ’s d e a t h . S h e w a s p e r s u a d e d b y A p o l l o w h o s a i d a m o t h e r ’s d e a t h w a s o f l e s s i m p o r t a n c e t h a n a f a t h e r. Wo m e n s i m p l y n u r t u r e a s e e d b u t m e n a c t u a l l y p l a n t i t . M e n a r e v i e w e d a s h i g h e r i m p o r t a n c e t o A t h e n a . M o r e t h a n a n y o f t h e o t h e r g o d d e s s e s A t h e n a r e m a i n s a s y m b o l o f k n o w l e d g e , w i s d o m , l o g i c a n d c i v i l i z a t i o n . A t h e n a r e m i n d s u s t h a t w e c a n s u c c e s s f u l l y u s e o u r i n t e l l e c t a n d c r e a t i v i t y t o r e a c h a n y g o a l s . WORKS CITED: 1. ) http://www. theoi. com/Olympios/AthenaMyths. html 2. ) http://ancienthistory. about. com/cs/grecoromanmyth1/p/Athena. htm 3. ) http://gogreece. about. com/cs/mythology/a/mythathena. htm.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Carnivorous Plants Essay -- essays research papers

Carnivorous Plants In a world where plants are at the bottom of the food-chain, some individual plant species have evolved ways to reverse the order we expect to find in nature. These insectivorous plants, as they are sometimes called, are the predators , rather than the passive prey. Adaptions such as odiferous lures and trapping mechanisms have made it possible for these photosynthesizers to capture, chemically break-down and digest insect prey (and in some cases even small animals.) There is no reason to fear them though. The majority are herbaceous perennials, usually only 4 to 6 inches high, and nothing like the plant in "Little Shop of Horrors". Almost all carnivorous plants have a basically similar ecology and several different species are often found growing almost side by side. They are most likely to be found in swamps, bogs, damp heaths and muddy or sandy shores. Drosophyllum lusitanicum from Portugal and Morocco is the one exception, it grows on dry gravelly hills. Like other green plants, carnivorous plants contain the organic pigment chlorophyll. This pigment helps to mediate a chemical process called photosynthesis. This converts light energy into the chemical bond energy of carbohydrate which is utilized as cellular energy, plant growth and development. Water, carbon dioxide, nutrients and minerals are also needed for survival. In wetlands, where stagnate water contains acidic compounds and chemicals from decaying organic matter many plants have a difficult time obtaining necessary nutrients. It is in these nutrient poor conditions that some plants evolved different ways of obtaining nutrients. The ability of carnivorous plants to digest nitrogen -rich animal protein enables these plants to survive in somewhat hostile environments. The evolution of carnivorous plants is speculative due to the paucity of the fossil record. It is believed that plant carnivory may have evolved millions of years ago from plants whose leaves formed depressions that retained rain water. Small insects would sometimes fall into these water reservoirs and drown, eventually being decomposed by bacteria in the water. The nutrients from the insects would be absorbed by the leaf. The deeper the leaf depression the more insects that could be drowned. This would have creat... ... as frogs and small rodents. Nepenthes are unique amongst carnivorous plants as the only dioecious genus, which means there are separate male and female plants. These plants are very endangered and several species or extinct. Some species of Nepenthes are sold for hundreds of dollars to collectors and are involved in illegal overseas trade. The growing of carnivorous plants has become very popular in recent years. Unfortunately the endangered status of many species does not stop collectors from risking high fines and field collecting them. This has had seriously impact on many species, but collectors are not the biggest problem facing carnivorous plants. In the USA and other developed countries wetlands are considered useless and are being drained and developed on. At present it is estimated that only 3-5% of carnivorous plant habitat remain in the US. Another problem is that fires are put out before they spread even though many plants, such as the Venus fly trap, benefit from periodic burns. Habitat destruction from slash and burn agriculture, however, does not benefit any of the carnivorous plants and is also causing a great deal of the extinctions.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Rfid in Walmart Essay

In June 2003 Wal-Mart first announced its plan to implement RFID technology in its supply chain by January 2005; this caught many of the suppliers unawares. Though the plans envisaged compliance from the top 100 suppliers, around 129 suppliers jumped into the fray, afraid of being left behind in the race. RFID technology was invented in 1969 and patented in 1973; after thirty long years WalMart has demanded its implementation. Expectations are high, unfortunately RFID technology is still in its infant stage. In November 2003, Wal-Mart once again asserted its requirements. The following were explicitly spelt out: 1. What the EPC (Electronic Product Code) would be, 2. What class of chips they would accept, and 3. Which distribution centres would start accepting RFID deliveries. Much has happened since then. To its suppliers, Wal-Mart has spelt the requirement of 96-bit EPC with a Global Trade Identification number, which is an international standard. The tags are expected to operate in UHF spectrum (868 MHz to 956 MHz). The plan is to standardize the Class 1 Version 2 of the EPC specification [RFIDJournal. Com]. The EPC global, a joint venture between Uniform Code Council and EAN (European Article Number) International, is developing this particular standard. This tag will carry the 96-bit serial number and will be field-programmable. This will enable the suppliers to write serial numbers to the tags, when they apply the tags to the products. The EPC-compliant tags in UHF band consists of 1. EPC data format on 2. One of the existing communication protocols, Class1 or Class0 two main the parts: chip Note: Class0 and Class1 specifications differ. Class0 is a factory programmable tag while Class1 permits the end users to write a serial number on it. They are not interoperable. A multi-protocol reader is required to read both tags. The Class1 Version2 that is being pursued is expected to incorporate both specifications of Class0 and Class1. This Version2 will be a globally accepted protocol. As of now Wal-Mart is already tracking pallets and cases from suppliers coming to one distribution centre. The plan is to expand to other suppliers soon and roll out the technology regionally across the US . By the end of this year, the intention is to track all pallets, and cases of all products from the top 100 US suppliers, and by late 2006, from all US suppliers. Wal-Mart will then begin rolling the technology out internationally. The increased demand has already set Manhattan Associates working on new software that will allow companies to plug RFID technology to warehouse management system, on all platforms. Wal-Mart dreams of achieving a great RFID enabled, fool proof, error free, transparent supply chain. To this end, RFID readers are being installed at distribution centres and stores and buying equipment for printing tags. The expense of investments in new technology every year will be covered in the normal capital budget Why WalMart is adopting RFID? The application of RFID deeper into retail operations than case or pallet-level tracking is not really an Asset Protection driven proposal. The ability to better track SKU level items, smooth out merchandise flow, and prevent out-of-stocks while eliminating non-productive, profit-draining overstock situations is a main tenant of retail. The better Walmart, or anyone can get at doing that, the more control they have in their merchandise investment and the more profit can be squeezed from each dollar invested. With improved profit to investment ratios along with cost-controlling measures such as improved productivity for store level associates, a company can use the gain to pass on in savings to their customers, which is the real secret to success. Asset protection will benefit from the improved operations as well. Shrink is unaccounted for invested dollars. A retailer invests in merchandise to sell and somewhere along the trail from factory to store it is lost, sometimes physically, sometimes in the handling and accounting process. The ability to quickly verify actual quantities of items in a store not only enables the retailer to replenish the stock at the right rate of sale, it also eliminates countless hours of searching for the products in backrooms, overstock boxes, risers and any number of other places merchandise finds to hide in a store. When the count is exact as the product is received, matches the invoice with precision, and is then accurately tracked until it is sold, shrink can theoretically become just a bad memory. There is still theft to consider, however RFID offers some improvements in that respect as well. The key is real-time knowledge of the status of key merchandise. Associates can react to missing one item, instead of hundreds or thousands of dollars worth, before they know there is a problem. Concerns have been expressed over privacy and tags could be used to identify concealed items, but that is not the path to success. If you wait to react to a theft, you still must deal with the situation and there are several pitfalls in apprehending shoplifters and processing internal theft situations. So the bottom line is that it is about immediately identifying loss and taking active measures to prevent further loss. To those expressing concern over the proliferation of technology like RFID in retail, the challenge is to keep the concerns on a productive level. Retailers are not motivated by big brother-like intentions. They are striving to become as efficient as possible in their operation to shave off every non-productive penny invested. It is how they can beat their competition in pricing giving the consumer the benefit of lower prices and the shareholders the benefit of improved profits. There are real concerns relative to unintended consequences of the misuse of technology. Creating a â€Å"personalized customer profile† is a tempting marketing strategy. Imagine knowing exactly what every customer who comes in the doors wants to buy, maybe even before they do. Questions of privacy must be addressed openly and a retailer must make efforts to prevent the misuse of data. This new era is where the professional retail LP leader can make a significant contribution. One day, cash registers may be obsolete. Currency could be exchanged virtually and attached directly to people through some kind of biometric authorization. The role of the LP professional will look much different when that day arrives. Getting from where we are to that point will be an interesting ride. WalMart and RFID: The Test Phase From initial experiences of roll out of EPC in select distribution warehouses and stores, there is confidence that the concept will be a long-term success. Experiments with various tag types and tag placements are underway to see how they impact readability on various products in a non-laboratory environment. Goods shipped to the stores with RFID tags are recorded once at their arrival . By simply waving the scanner at the boxes they are able to know what is inside without having to open anything. Even before the arrival it is possible to know where everything is, which helps to reduce loss during shipment. The tags are read again before they are brought to the sales floor , no reader is installed at the sales point, though. They are read finally at a box crusher after all the items in the case have been put on the store shelves. Their software monitors the different items sold to the customers and the number of cases brought to the sales floor. This generates the information – which items will soon be depleted from the shelves? Automatically, almost instantly, a list is generated of items that need to be picked from the backroom to replenish the store shelves. To reduce the amount of time spent at the backroom Wal-Mart has developed a handheld RFID reader. This acts as a kind of Geiger counter that beeps when a worker gets close to the item he or she needs to pick. It is intended to initially provide this in the original seven stores and then deploy them in rest of the 140 stores in a phased manner during the year. Wal-Mart has also established a retail link extranet with all its suppliers. This enables them to share data from all RFID read points with their suppliers. When a case is brought out to the sales floor, the status reads ~Q being put on the shelves’ , when at the trash compactor the status changes to ~Q on shelf’ . Thus within 30 minutes the suppliers get updated on the movement and location of their goods. Suppliers are also learning how to match tags with products and where to place tags for optimum readability. This initial experience will keep them ahead of their competitors.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Brian Tran Dr. U. Lynn Jones GOVT 2302 – S11 November 8, 2012 Court Observation Paper For my court observation, I was able to sit in a Texas State District Court. The judge of the court I observed was Honorable Judge Etta J. Mullin. Everything was pretty much what I expected to see. I wasn’t expecting anything outrageous to happen like on the television. I was expecting everything to be very professional and very boring, like watching the C-SPAN channel. The walls were a dull brown color and most of the furniture was wooden.The Judge sat on a little stand and next to the stand was a seat where people would go to present evidence or tell stories under oath. On the Judge’s right side, there were two rows of seats that the Jury would sit in. There were police officer standing in the room and people sitting down in the audience like me. I couldn’t tell if they were just spectators in the audience, or family/friends of the people on trial. When I first entered the courtroom, I walked in the middle of a court case. Most of the court cases were pretty straight forward. People pleaded guilty and the Judge moved on to the next case.The most interesting case was an assault because it was assault. The defendant of this case also pleaded guilty, but afterwards the Judge talked with the lawyer to discuss what sort of punishment or jail time he should receive. Because there were three counts of assault, the defendant was fined $40,000 and 3 years of community service. I thought it seemed fairly reasonable since the one of the victims suffered injuries such as skull fractures. I, however don’t think that I am experienced enough to know what is considered a good punishment for a crime. Other cases were simple things, like people being caught with possession of marijuana.The penalty for that is a small fine. That reminded me of a time when a guy I knew was caught in possession of marijuana on his was to Waco. He was kept in a holding cell and I had to drive to Waxahachie to help my friend pay for his bail. Personally, I have never done any illegal substances, and I believe that it is wrong even when Colorado and Washington had recently made it legal in those states. The experience was new and fresh, but I don’t think I’d ever go back and watch a court case for fun. I can see how the trial could be interesting, but I was fairly bored by the end of my two hours.It wasn’t as gripping as an episode of Law and Order. A more memorable event that happened while I was at the court house was that one of the people that worked the (in a family court setting) told me a story about this one family. There were 2 siblings, a brother and a sister, and they were trying to get away with taking their Grandmother’s social security check. To do this, the siblings had morphine patches that they would stick on to her spine to make her appear senile. But one day the Grandmother’s friend came over and took her to meet up with the people that worked in the building and everything was good.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Roman Achievements essays

Roman Achievements essays Where would the world be today without the founding of the Roman Household and the idea of paterfamilias, advances in science and medicine, and the many changes in Christianity and marriage practices? It is hard to imagine what our society would be like without a head of the household, medicine for illness, science for technology, and Christianity along with marriage practices. The Romans made many advances in science and medicine. Archimedes of Syracuse founded the formulas of spheres and cylinders, the actual number of pi which is used mostly for a circles circumference, as well as other discoveries in astronomy and engineering (Osheim and Roberts 138). Archimedes also invented the water snail which was a screw like device to raise water for irrigation...which made it possible to irrigate previously barren land (Osheim and Roberts 138). The idea of astronomy first came from advances in mathematics (Osheim and Roberts 138). The Romans used to believe that the sun revolved around the earth, when in 275 B.C., Aristarchus of Samos made the hypothesis that the earth really revolves around the sun, and then in 135 B.C., Hipparchus of Nicaea proved this hypothesis correct (Osheim and Roberts 138). Many other medical advances were made around this time, such as cross-fertilization and the first dissection of a human. The scientists would practice dissecting on criminals that were condemned to death (Osheim and Roberts 138). One of the leading scientific beneficiaries was Herophilus of Chalcedon, a practicing physician in Alexandria, for he found that the brain was the center of the nervous system, as well as the first dissection of the human, and the discovery of the ovaries (Osheim and Roberts 139). Scientific discoveries helped the army with technology. They were able to build engines and bombs for war, ways of transportation, and many other industrial wonders. ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

SPICE Chart Essays

SPICE Chart Essays SPICE Chart Paper SPICE Chart Paper Canada, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, and Argentina. Population between 1750 and 1850 triples in Britain. General Migration into cities. In Argentina, the Native Americans were kicked off from the Pampas. Population triples as well. 3. 5 million immigrants came. Many Italians and Russians. Italians called goldmines because migrated for the harvest. Fusion of cultures. Cultures Religions, Belief systems, philosophies and ideologies Science and technology The arts and architecture Inventions of the Industrial Revolution -1 733-John Kay fly shuttle. One person instead of two could operate the loom. Increase in weaving output mean larger demand for yarn. -sasss James Harvests-Spinning jenny. Mechanized spinning wheel. -1769 Richard Aright-water frame. Spin multiple treads, at first operated on water power. -sasss firm Bolton and Watt produces a more efficient steam engine. Used to power water pumps, blast furnaces. First factories in the countryside need the water power. 1800-power loom. Mechanical Spinning overwhelmed the hand weavers. -Advancements in making of iron allowed for steam powered river boats -asses-locomotives ASSES-OR construction asses-Manchester- Liverpool Railroad. Encouraged larger factories and more sophisticated machinery. Contributed to the growth of the working class. All the major inventions of the industria l Revolution occurred in Britain. The French, Germans, Belgians didnt make the inventions they borrowed them. Originally factories hired whole families so parents could look over children while they worked. Second Industrial Revolution. Focused more on iron and steel. Henry Bessemer-Bessemer Process found a way to mass produce steel cheaply. Steel making becomes major industry. Chemical industry grows, increase of chemical by-products. Increase production of sulfuric acid, laundry soap, dye, synthetic things. Margarine-substitute of butter for poor. Application of electrical energy. Made factories more accessible, and their construction more efficient and flexible. They could now run 24/7 and did not have to be close to a water source. Carters develop, groups of companies working together to contract prices and product Automobile invented with internal combustion engine. Nicholas Otto German inventor who built 1st 4 stroke internal combustion engine. Car companies founded. France led automobile industry. The 2nd Industrial revolution led to steel, chemicals, iron, electricity, and automobile which led to a push of new energy sources. Petroleum. Liberals. Rich men who believe all careers should be open to talent and representative government and written constitutions and freedom of press, and rights of assembly. Liberals are not pro democracy because they dont not want the lower classes to obtain power The Iron Law of Wages. Richard the idea that if you have low wages, the poor will never have high wages. Economic Systems Agricultural and pastoral production Trade and commerce Labor systems Industrialization Capitalism and socialism In England banks were private partnerships and investors and conservative because if investments failed they could lose everything. Continentals-bank corporations- limited liability, many investors with small stocks. Nil 815- France, Germany, Netherlands, and Belgium seer protective tariffs and encouraged the building of infrastructure. Because of the new industry, a lot of banks fail and investments slowed. Bad weather led to European framed to compete with foreign farmers which led to lower food prices and immigrants leave cities to go to the U. S. Cottage Industry-family would buy raw wool and women would spin it into yarn and men made it into cloth. Classical Economists. The workers were considered lazy by those above them. The Wealth of Nations is considered a classical description of the market economy. Adam Smith. Natural price is the actual worth of product. Market price is what it is sold for. Invisible hand is the idea that the market is self-regulating. Forces of consumers and producers balance each other out and reach equilibrium. Smith also believes mercantilism is bad because he thinks its a government monopoly. He advocates for equal and free trade without tariffs. Lassies Fairer- government should stay out of economy. Smith believes this but only if there are no monopolies. Smith believes government should intervene when monopolies happen. Socialism was common ism in the 18th century. Also Marxism. French Utopian Socialists before Karl Marx wanted a perfect civilizations. Karl Mark and Frederick Engels wrote The Communist Manifesto. The idea that people with social differences are at odds with each other and the cycle of the oppressor and the oppressed.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Holiday Shopping Safety Tips

Holiday Shopping Safety Tips The holiday season is a time when people can become careless and vulnerable to theft and other holiday crimes. People are often in a rush buying gifts, decorating their homes, visiting friends or traveling. There is a big increase in the number of people that are out and about shopping at the malls and grocery stores, packing the parking lots, grabbing taxis, filling up the seats on rapid transit and waiting in lines at ATM machines. Late Nights Many stores extend hours late into the night. People head to the stores after work, then at closing time, you see them emerging with the dazed eyes of sleepwalkers. Amazingly, then the mall parking lots empty out in record time and within minutes become deserted. Without fail, there are always a handful of people wandering the lots alone, looking for where they parked their cars or digging through handfuls of shopping bags searching for their lost car keys. To normal, law-abiding people, all of this kind of holiday hoopla and pressure is just part of the festive mood of the season. And all the gaiety, unfortunately, also tends to cause people to let their innate sense of caution temporarily fall by the wayside. Why Thieves Love the Holiday Season All the hustle and bustle going on over the holidays gives thieves what they want, almost as much as an unlocked bank vault, and that is the opportunity to become invisible. By being as nondescript as possible, they can move through big crowds of rushed and distracted people without anyone noticing them. They can pickpocket and shoplift and when their victims realize that they have been robbed, they will have no idea who did it.   In most communities, the police work additional hours during November and December. They are kept busy the increase in traffic accidents, home fires, bar fights, and family disputes. Also, during the month of December, more people die of natural causes than any other time of the year. Police often have to change their regular routines and leave the nightly patrol through neighborhoods to answer emergency calls. Thieves Feed on Opportunities Thieves know that the police are overloaded during the holiday season and they take full advantage it. They thrive on the fact that the police and stores loss prevention staff have their hands full with amateur thieves who are hauled to jail for trying to steal from the electronics departments or waiting for the parents of pre-teens who pocketed the latest video game. In the meantime, the professional thieves are busy breaking into cars in the parking lots to steal gifts, cell phones, and electronics, or stalking and robbing or scamming the people who are alone. Some thieves prefer burglarizing homes. They spend their time walking neighborhoods, looking for houses that appear that the homeowners are away. Darkened homes nestled between neighbors with front yards bursting with holiday lights will draw their attention. Having the kids off from school is another concern because of the number of unsupervised teens hanging around without anything to do. Homes within neighborhoods are broken in more times by young male teens that live in or near the neighborhood. They often choose a home and then hang out to see when the homeowners leave each day. They might be so brazen and ring the doorbell, then pretend to try to sell something if anyone answers. How to Keep From Becoming a Holiday Crime Victim The following tips can help you be more careful, prepared and aware during the holiday season. Try to shop during the day, but if you do shop at night, do not do it alone.Dress casually and comfortably.Avoid wearing expensive jewelry.Do not carry a purse or wallet, if possible. Consider bringing a security travel pouch instead.Always carry your drivers license or identification along with necessary cash, checks and/or a credit card you expect to use.Recognize when you are rushed, distracted and stressed out, and stay alert to what is going on around you.Avoid carrying large amounts of cash.Pay for purchases with a check or credit card when possible.Keep cash in your front pocket.If you discover that a credit card is missing, notify the credit card company as soon as possible. Dont assume that you misplaced it and will find it later.Keep a record of all of your credit card numbers in a safe place at home.Be extra careful if you do carry a wallet or purse. They are the prime targets of criminals in crowded shopping areas, terminals, bus stops, on buses and other rapid transit.Av oid overloading yourself with packages. It is important to have clear visibility and freedom of motion if you are approached. Beware of strangers approaching you for any reason. At this time of year, con-artists may try various methods of distracting you, including working in teams, with the intention of taking your money or belongings.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Skill Enhancement Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Skill Enhancement - Assignment Example In addition, we need PowerPoint because it eliminates most of the boredom found in presentations such as lectures, where the presenter just states information without creativity, which is monotonous. PowerPoint also creates room for creativity as it needs the information found in a presentation to be organized appropriately for clarity and order. Question 3 A hyperlink is a reference that appears as a link leading one to another piece of information or file that can be directly followed by opening the hyperlink. A hyperlink can be created by using the insert menu to insert a hyperlink, and it can also be created by using the auto format feature and the tools menu, where one clicks on autocorrect then clicks on auto format as you type. The next step is checking the box in the replace you type pane in internet and network paths and clicking okay. Question 4 A transition is an effect that allows two separate scenes to merge and appear to be continues, and examples of transitions include dissolve, fade, wipe, morph and cut. Question 5 Seven categories of search engines and examples include Crawler-based search engines- Human-powered directories- Meta-search engines- Vertical- Sponsored- Hybrid- Specialty Search Engines Question 6 The three arguments for moral justification of private property in favour of intellectual property include claims of ownership based on the owner of the work having worked for the property, which means that it is a product of the person. The second argument for intellectual property is that one must seek permission to use the intellectual property prior to using it, and intellectual property becomes property of the society through permission of its use. The third argument is that intellectual property belongs to its maker and must therefore not be reproduced as a new item and should therefore be permitted before its reproduction. Question 7 Plagiarism is the use of an other author’s work without the permission of the author, where the work includes ideas, language and even expressions where the person using the works without authorization presents the work as his or her own original work. There are different types of plagiarism including deliberate plagiarism where one copies the work of another author directly, word for word and passes it as his own such as an entire book with a changed title and author. Another type is paraphrasing where the author takes ideas and words from the original author, then inserts quotes and citations. Another form of plagiarism is patchwork and paraphrasing, where the author puts together ideas and expressions from different authors, and puts them together then passes them off as their own. The last one is self-plagiarism, where one copies his or her own work from a previous version of it and edits it to appear new. Question 8 A blog is a website in which information is frequently updated, and the information is presented in a reverse chronological order, and features opinions and information of interest to the person maintaining the blog. Blogging in education can be used to share experiences on academic progress for students. It can also be used to share assignments for those who did not attend classes, where those who miss classes can find their homework there. Blogging can also be used to enhance communication between the teacher and his or her students as it provides a platform that is

Prepare an international marketing environment analysis report for Essay

Prepare an international marketing environment analysis report for Australia - Essay Example The benefits of adoption of technology are reduced costs, new products and higher quality. Australia has a strong financial regulations and institutions which makes the business environment healthy. Introduction Australia is a country which comprises of the mainland of Australian continent, Tasmanian Island and smaller islands. It is sixth-largest country in the world by total area. It is a developed country and also one of the wealthiest of countries in the world. It is presently the world’s 12th largest economy. Australia has achieved second-highest human development index globally. It has achieved good performance in many vital statistics like health, quality of life, protection of civil liberties, economic freedom and political rights. Australia has a high urbanized population. In terms of trade Australia has given major emphasis on exporting manufactured goods. For more than 50 years, Australia has been facing a large current account deficit. For more than 15 years their GDP has grown by over 3.6% which is satisfactory as compared to other OECD average of 2.5%. During financial downturn in 2008-2009, Australia was the only advanced economy which had not been affected. But being a global economy Australia faced the effect because their trades with other countries got affected. It was during 2012 to early 2013, Australia faced major recession in some non-mining states. Inflation rate in Australia has been under control averaging about 2-3%. The major sector which contributes to the GDP is tourism, education, economy, financial services. They contribute about 70% of GDP to Australia’s economy. Australia’s major export includes agricultural products, like wool, wheat, minerals etc. International marketing environment in Australia The important factors of International marketing environment of Australia are as follows: Political environment Australia is a liberal-capitalistic democracy. Through government interference, they can decide the a mount of importation taxes to be imposed to protect the domestic economy. They can also create an environmental protection laws to protect the natural heritage of the country. It will automatically affect the Australian economy, since it will affect the amount of trade which takes place and also the exchange rates faced by it. With the global financial meltdown the Australian economy slowed down. The Australian economy is expected to grow due to its demand for raw materials from China. Since Australia exports vastly in iron ore and other agricultural products, the recession had comparatively less effect on them. Economic Environment Australia is lies between Antarctica and Asia. It has Indian Ocean to the west, Arafura, Timor and Coral Seas to the north, The Tasman Sea and the Southern Ocean to its south and finally Pacific Ocean to its east. This shows that Australia is at a strategic advantage in terms of exports and imports. But much of the country is dry, low and flat. Due to th is harsh physical environment people live close to the fertile coastal areas. Everyone wants to own home, and hence the nation has a high number of home ownership rates (Mulligan, 1996, p. 453). Hence the real

Friday, October 18, 2019

Baroque Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Baroque Art - Essay Example . The Roman Catholic Church endorsed the Baroque style because of the vitality and emotions that it could bring to the church. However, Baroque style was not just limited to the church; it was used in everyday life. Baroque style paintings were overly exaggerated and showed serious events in life. In terms of Baroque sculptures, Bernini was the most famous Baroque style architect. Baroque architecture stressed importance on domes and columns within a structure. Baroque theatre brought the viewing experience into a whole new era. The stage became much more of a focal point and would constantly change to fit the scene on hand. Many Baroque elements from the theatre are still in use today. Baroque literature gave importance to man and his role within the world. Music of the era relied upon the use of ground bass. Some famous Baroque composers were Handel and J.S. Bach. After the Baroque era, the Classical era came along. Music from this era was much less complex than that of the Baroque era and a variety of melodies and rhythms were used. In Classical orchestras, the music pieces were composed of smaller parts and did not place reliance upon an individual instrument as an the Baroque era. The Baroque genre originated out of Italy in the early 1600’s and spread throughout the rest of Europe. There were many different forms of Baroque in paintings, sculptures, architecture, literature, philosophy, and music. The Baroque genre is distinctive for evoking emotions in those who show an interest in it.

The Hunger Games Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

The Hunger Games - Essay Example Katniss emerges winners in the game in many perspectives: she is lovely and likeable, perhaps attributes that make her the envy of other girls her age. She is adored by many because of her sheer struggles, never relenting even when other characters in the play would have given up. Katniss is the rock, the foundation of her family. She becomes a role model to her sister, Prim. She is protective. She helps a young girl, Rue, from her neighborhood with food she forages from the forest. Apart from food, they share companionship and clothing. In her words, she teamed up with the young lady â€Å"because she is a survivor, and I trust her, and why not admit it? She reminds me of my Prim† (15.28). Through her survival and protective instincts, one can conclude that she has weathered many storms even at her tender age. What is more, girls her age cannot survive on their own, let alone protect themselves. She seems to be older than her actual age. This means that she is a survivor, another quality that makes her a winner in comparison to other characters in the play. She provides for yet another boy from a different district. The girl is named Peeta Mellark. She is skilled in hunting than a boy, Peeta. She comes out as a stronger character with a resolve to succeed in life regardless of her unfortunate background. Towards the end of the play, she risks her life so that she can help Peeta by going into the dangerous forest to bring the only medicine that can cure the boy. She is a reliable character that many people, within and without her neighborhood, can depend on. She protects people whenever she can, even at the expense of her own life. She is courageous, not a coward. This makes her a winner. When it is evident to her that she could win the Hunger Games, she asks: â€Å"For the first time, I allow myself to truly think about the possibility that I might make it home. To fame. To

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Role of marketing in a consumer society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Role of marketing in a consumer society - Essay Example The growth of Starbucks is also based on their sound management as well as effective operations (Reference for Business 2011). Starbucks developed a strategy to open only company?owned stores and avoid franchising. This strategy facilitates the company to keep full control of its excellent products and services. Starbucks strived to control more of its supply chain with the purpose of maintaining high quality of coffee high with consistent levels by working with growers and upholding the standard of coffee. These two strategies facilitate Starbucks to distribute the first part of its value proposition as well as quality (Marangos n.d.). In this paper, the role of marketing in consumer society will be described properly with reference to Starbucks. The company developed various strategies and marketing techniques while operating in consumer market. Various strategies were adopted to satisfy customers with delicious coffee drink. The company operates in broad marketing environment, whi ch has been explained by taking into consideration various factors related to the environmental issues. The theory of consumer society had also been discussed by analyzing the satisfaction level of consumers. 2.0 Marketing Techniques and Strategies From the case study it has been observed that Starbucks has developed expansion and growth strategies in order to make expansion of their brand or products. The marketing strategy of Starbucks is totally unique and different from others. They have adopted the strategy based on various factors such as expansion of business in favorable areas with suitable demographic profile in order to support and render service to them. This strategy was developed based on the growing reputation of Starbucks brand (CalaRos Bay 2004). Various small business firms at the outset face the issue of expansion or growth of their business. Thus, based on these two concepts, expansion as well as growth strategies have been adopted. Business expansion is a stage o f a life of the company in consumer society and business growth is the increase in financial fortunes for employees along with owners. Expansion strategy is developed with a view to validate the initial business start up idea of entrepreneur and the subsequent efforts of fulfilling the vision into success. Growth strategy means that the variety of changes will take place in the company’s business market. Growth causes challenge in managerial legal and financial aspects. This strategy will enable to raise the market share of company and large number of competitors in the market (Reference for Business 2011). The rapid store expansion strategy of Starbucks is domestic store expansion along with international store expansion. The other strategies are employee training in addition to recognition, where recruitment, hiring and training methods for baristas and store managers are included. They also provide screening, training programs and awards for partners. The other strategies are real estate group, store development group and retail operation group, planning as well as construction. For providing facilities to consumers as well as employees, several strategies are developed such as a broad range of store formats, a â€Å"stores of the future† project team, high traffic and high visibility of the location of

Strategic and Financial Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Strategic and Financial Decision Making - Essay Example The cost of financing through equity is more than that of debt. The bond holders are paid fixed rate of interest every year, hence they bear no risk. The equity shareholders do not receive any fixed income every year; it is dependent on the profits of the company. Hence, there is a risk involved in holding equity shares as compared to debt capital. Therefore the equity shareholders require more return as compensation to the extra risk borne by them. On the factors discussed above, debt financing would seem more attractive as compared to equity financing. But decision cannot be made solely on the cost factor. One also has to look into the risk involved in different sources of financing. Since there is a fixed obligation every year towards interest payment, it is considered to be more risky than financing through equity on which no risk is involved. Thus, a company has to decide upon the level of debt on the basis of the risk it can undertake. Eugene, Houston (2007:1).The following ste ps involved in decision making process are: Existing capital structure: One has to evaluate the existing capital structure. In case the company has too much debt already it is not advisable to issue more debt. It can also maintain the existing debt equity ratio or change the ratio. Dividend payout policy: The dividend payout ratio should be decided be the firm, so as to maintain the same every year. This is because fluctuating dividend payout ratio would reduce the confidence of the shareholders towards the company. Effect of return: The company has to analyze the effect on return because of the cost of capital. It has to ensure that it is able to earn the desire level of return of the investors. Effect of return: In order to reduce the cost of the capital a firm might take debt equity mix. However, it should first analyze the risk involved in using debt as a source of capital. Effect on cost of capital: The effect of desired level of debt and equity on the cost of capital of the company should be evaluated. Excess debt can lead to increase in cost of capital after a certain point of time because of the high risk involved. These decisions should be based after careful study of the market. The risk appetite, the required rate of return of the shareholders, the effect on market value of the shares due to change in the capital structure of the company should be studied. Hence, these factors have to be taken into consideration in order to arrive at a sound decision. b) The investment proposal involves an initial investment of 3,000,000 along with cost of forecasting of 100,000. The proposal is expected to be financed at the existing debt-equity ratio of 2:3. It is assumed that the return required by equity investors is 10.5% (real). Therefore nominal return (inflation adjusted) expected would be 10.5% + 5% (inflation) that is 15.5%. The rate of interest payable on corporate bonds (debt) is 6% p.a. We have to now compute the weighted average cost of capital

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Role of marketing in a consumer society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Role of marketing in a consumer society - Essay Example The growth of Starbucks is also based on their sound management as well as effective operations (Reference for Business 2011). Starbucks developed a strategy to open only company?owned stores and avoid franchising. This strategy facilitates the company to keep full control of its excellent products and services. Starbucks strived to control more of its supply chain with the purpose of maintaining high quality of coffee high with consistent levels by working with growers and upholding the standard of coffee. These two strategies facilitate Starbucks to distribute the first part of its value proposition as well as quality (Marangos n.d.). In this paper, the role of marketing in consumer society will be described properly with reference to Starbucks. The company developed various strategies and marketing techniques while operating in consumer market. Various strategies were adopted to satisfy customers with delicious coffee drink. The company operates in broad marketing environment, whi ch has been explained by taking into consideration various factors related to the environmental issues. The theory of consumer society had also been discussed by analyzing the satisfaction level of consumers. 2.0 Marketing Techniques and Strategies From the case study it has been observed that Starbucks has developed expansion and growth strategies in order to make expansion of their brand or products. The marketing strategy of Starbucks is totally unique and different from others. They have adopted the strategy based on various factors such as expansion of business in favorable areas with suitable demographic profile in order to support and render service to them. This strategy was developed based on the growing reputation of Starbucks brand (CalaRos Bay 2004). Various small business firms at the outset face the issue of expansion or growth of their business. Thus, based on these two concepts, expansion as well as growth strategies have been adopted. Business expansion is a stage o f a life of the company in consumer society and business growth is the increase in financial fortunes for employees along with owners. Expansion strategy is developed with a view to validate the initial business start up idea of entrepreneur and the subsequent efforts of fulfilling the vision into success. Growth strategy means that the variety of changes will take place in the company’s business market. Growth causes challenge in managerial legal and financial aspects. This strategy will enable to raise the market share of company and large number of competitors in the market (Reference for Business 2011). The rapid store expansion strategy of Starbucks is domestic store expansion along with international store expansion. The other strategies are employee training in addition to recognition, where recruitment, hiring and training methods for baristas and store managers are included. They also provide screening, training programs and awards for partners. The other strategies are real estate group, store development group and retail operation group, planning as well as construction. For providing facilities to consumers as well as employees, several strategies are developed such as a broad range of store formats, a â€Å"stores of the future† project team, high traffic and high visibility of the location of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

People, Organizations and Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

People, Organizations and Management - Essay Example The organization structure depicted narrowed perspectives due to the separateness of the different divisions. Horizontally it was separated in to divisions the two main ones being electronics and sales. Managers must have had difficulties and used a lot of time to relate to sales for instance which is an exclusively different division from product development. Consequently the reactions of the company in response to consumer demands were made more challenging. The organization structure was professional bureaucratic. In addition internal cooperation and effective communication may have been an issue. Oticon’s basic organizational design and structure differs from hotel easy due to its larger size and hence structural concepts likely to be more formal, decisions more central, experience more specialized and operations more complex. Initially, the organization vertically had a tall hierarchy with six levels of management. Easier communication and Decisions made are impeded since these processes become very slow in a company with many layers of hierarchy. The authority is mostly centralized and there was a lot of formalization. This structure does not expose the managers to other fields apart from their own. The managers have not the opportunity to observe how the all the departments interact and collectively perform. Previously option’s executives did not understand the interrelationships and the interdependence between the departments and hence ultimately what results is that the executives are only equipped with experiences in handling top management responsibilities hence the company’s goals and market needs do not mingle as they should. However the structure’s advantages are that it had well defined channels of authority and the structure minimized duplication of personnel and equipment than the one he later adopted. Functional structure makes it easier to monitor. The new C.E.O attempted to change this initial structure to

Monday, October 14, 2019

Letter to a friend regarding interesting experience in Management Class Essay Example for Free

Letter to a friend regarding interesting experience in Management Class Essay Hope all is well at your end. It has been a long time since I last heard from you. I guess you have a busy and hectic university schedule like mine which does not allow you much time apart from your course work. I don’t blame you at all because I know what a roller coaster ride this business studies really is. I am on my summer vacations now so I finally got some time to correspond with you. I would like to update you with my experience so far with my courses. I would specially like to brief you on my enthralling and interesting experience in my Management class. Business studies have an array of different courses to offer. All these courses have their application in real life, if not fully, then at least to some extent. The most common term which is associated with business people is ‘managers’ which brings us to the most basic and necessary course of Management. Management is the basic requirement of any organization and is the foundation of running a business. Without it business would be nil and there would be total chaos and catastrophe. Management has tons of practical application and offers concepts which have vast dimensions and scope. This course has been the most interesting and enthralling learning experience so far in my studies. Of course I can not give you account of the entire course but I would like to mention one very exciting and challenging activity which was conducted in the management class. This activity was regarding teamwork. You must also have learnt a lot in your engineering studies how there are different teams of engineers that take up huge scale projects. Same goes here in our business studies as well. There are various different kinds of teams such as self managed teams, cross functional teams, special purpose teams and so on. The activity which we did was regarding the most famous kind of team; problem solving team. As you must have got the idea from the name, problem solving teams or also famously known as task forces are teams that are formed especially for a problem to be solved which can not be catered to and solved by the existing organizational structure. This team brings in members varying according to the nature of the problem from different departments of the organization. This shows that problem solving teams are cross functional. (Reference for Business, 2010) The activity was conducted in such a manner that our Management course instructor first explained to us all the different types of teams which involved problem solving team as well. Then to demonstrate how the problem solving team really works in the real world he divided our class into different groups. Each group comprised of 8 members each and each group was handed a business related problem which needed to be solved. We were given a time frame of 50 minutes in which we had to come up with a plan of action to solve the problem and then we were required to present it. This was a really challenging and exciting activity. The problem which was handed to my group was that we were required to suppose a business organization that dealt in supplying of different beverages in 48 out of 50 states of U.S.   There were complaints from three major states which were Arizona, Kansas and Colorado. The major complaints were of similar nature that the supply of the beverages was not on schedule, the stock that reached to retailers was not in good condition and that the beverages supplied were not in accordance with the demand of the people. We were required to discover the reasons that why were these problems occurring in only 3 of the 48 states and what erroneous actions were responsible for these three major complaints. We approached this problem in a very professional way. We first decided upon who will lead the group and fortunately the group members general consensus was for me as a team leader. As a team leader I was the one who had to approve the final plan of action with the input suggestions and research of the different members. We decided upon that our team had members from various departments of Finance, Marketing, Sales, Research and Development and Distribution Management. We formulated our problem solving report in such a manner that first we gave a brief introduction of the problems. Then we assumed different logical reasons which could have been behind these complaints. The reasons and findings that we listed in our report were that our suppliers were categorized into 16 different teams. Each team was given 3 states for which they were responsible of supplying the beverage. One particular team was given the states of Arizona, Kansas and Colorado as they are geographically situated close to each other. As the complaints were regarding these three states hence we found that the supplier team was performing some erroneous actions due to which these complaints arose. On further imaginary research we found out the findings for each of the complaints. First we found that this team was complaint about in past as well by number of retailers regarding their lethargic attitude and poor display of punctuality. So it was found out that the team comprised of members who were irresponsible and did not meet the time restrictions of the schedule which resulted in late supply of the stock of beverages. Second complaint was due to the same reason as first. The reckless attitude of the particular team showed that they mishandled the stocks. Beverages are objects held in fragile coverings and bottles and need to be handled with care which this particular team did not display. The third complain was that of the supply not in accordance with the demand which again was due to the poor performance and reckless and untrained staff of this team. They did not record and process the orders properly which resulted in the wrong supply frequently that bothered numerous retailers. So after we had our findings we were now in position to develop a plan of action based on these findings. The plan of action was formed with collaboration with the different departments of the organization. The action decided upon to be taken was that this particular team was to be fired. Other teams would be also appraised on performance to see whether they were a source of complaints in their states or not and whether they are up to the mark or not. All those members that won’t be up to the mark would either be trained or fired. The empty vacancies would be filled by renewed hiring of the staff which would take special care that highly trained and responsible staff is hired. For the entire plan of action to carry out special assistance would be required from Human Resource Department. This concluded our entire report for the solution of problem. We then presented the whole scenario, our findings and proposed solution in front of the entire class. As Group leader I took the responsibility of presenting. It was really good experience to present in front of the entire class. The teacher appreciated our approach to the problem and gave us a few helpful additional suggestions which would give edge to our report. The class also applauded our presentation and our presentation was ranked the best in all the presentations.   All this was due to combined team effort. This was the experience I wanted to share with you. It was not just a moment of pride for me because of the best presentation, but the activity itself was so exciting and fruitful to provide us with concepts that I could not resist but share with you. I am sure you have experienced such exciting activities at your university as well. I am really looking forward to hear from you your eventful time at university. I hope you are having a good time and enjoying the studies because I think you can not learn until you enjoy you studies. Hope to hear from you very soon. I am looking forward to your reply and account of the activities at university. Hope to see you soon. Take care. Reference: Reference for Business. (2010). Teams and Team work. Retrieved May 15, 2010, from,

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Building a Portfolio Style Website

Building a Portfolio Style Website Short History and Development of HTML HTML, decrypted as a Hyper Text Markup Language. The first version of HTML appeared in 1986, in 1991 it has been significantly modified. From then until today, there have been several versions of the substantially modified. In 1995 published a second version HTML 2.0. After the release of the second version immediately began work on the next generation of HTML. And In 1997 comes the recommendation HTML 3.2, which added a mark-up language tables, frames, images and some other important tags. The 4th version of HTML 4.01 started in 1997, recent changes appeared 24.12.1999. HTML5 It is the fifth and current version of the HTML standard; it was published in October 2014. HTML5 structure consists of a plurality of elements:       window.NREUM||(NREUM={});{"beacon":"","licenseKey":"de6e6cfad9","applicationID":"221047987","transactionName":"bl0HMhMFDEYCWhJeWlcXMBQISwdGEFgfRBpYShEPAggHGxNRFg==","queueTime":0,"applicationTime":1,"atts":"QhoERFsfH0g=","errorBeacon":"","agent":""} Some few examples tags and applicable attribute of HTML 1. is mandatory for the image element is mandatory for the URL of the link. This is a paragraph. Importance of CSS in web design and outline its evolution from CSS1 to CSS3. The first CSS specification, CSS1, became a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) recommendation in December 1996. CSS2 came out in 1998. The work on CSS3 has been going on for years, but seems to advance very slowly So, what exactly does CSS stand for? It stands for Cascading Style Sheets and style sheet refers to the document itself. Ever web browser has a default style sheet, so every web page out there is affected by at least one style sheet the default style sheet of whatever browser the web page visitor is using regardless whether or not the web designer applies any styles. For example, my browsers default font style is Times New Roman, size 12, so if I visited a web page where the designer didnt apply a style sheet of their own, I would see the web page in Times New Roman, size 12. Examples of rules created in CSS:   p{ color: #02031c; } B)   body{ background-color:   #caefc6; } Outline the four steps involved in developing a site and choice of web authoring tools available. Planning, Research Design Development Testing website Hardware and software tools you need for web design Web designing takes much more than most people think. It is about ensuring that you have all the relevant hardware and software tools required to design a good and appealing website. One of the most important tools you need a computer. A computer to be used for web design should have a large hard disk and Random Access Memory, high processing speed and large storage capacity to be able to process the large video files. The next thing you need is a server that you will use to host the website. Two servers are needed, the hardware and software servers which are important for web hosting. The relevant software for instance Dreamweaver and Microsoft front page need to be available before any progress can be made in construction of the site. How the importance of the following will affect in design a website? Target market Every website should be designed for the target audience not just for yourself or the site owner. It is therefore very important to understand who your target audience is. Site objectives Navigation Navigation means how an user surfs the web pages, different controls like buttons, boxes or how the user uses the links on the pages to surf different pages. Site structure option will help users to find content pages that they are looking for easily and quickly. These are all optional items and if present they should be validated. A good site structure is a requirement for Search Engine Optimization. It allows both your users and search engines to find content within your site more easily. A good structure is well categorized, and pages within it only link to other pages on the same topic. Access speeds Check your websites loading speed. Page speed is an important factors in search engine rankings and overall site success. Pages that take longer than 5 seconds to load can lose up to 50% of users. Faster webpages result in higher traffic, better conversions and increased sales over slower loading pages. User Interface User experience design is what makes the layout and organization of a website easy-to-use. User experience is a very important factor because visitors or potential customers in the case of a business will usually hit the Back button or leave the website completely the moment they become frustrated. While this frustration may sometimes be caused by the websites content, a far more common cause is a web design thats difficult to use or navigate. Sketch a design for the homepage of the portfolio site. How the site should be maintained and upgraded in future? What is Website Maintenance? The activities from which Website Maintenance is composed are: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Website Publishing: To keep content up-to-date. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Website Quality Assurance: To spot errors on a site. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Website Feedback Monitoring: To manage communication with Website visitors. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Website Performance Monitoring: To measure success. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Website Infrastructure Monitoring: To supervise hosting. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Change Control: To manage technical and other changes in a coordinated way. These activities are usually carried out by members of a Website Maintenance Team. Owning a website or blog has its responsibilities. You cant just upload it and forget it. Regular website maintenance is a must if you want your site to be successful. So, how the site should be tested? Accuracy to Original Design: Compare the original design that you approved to the end product to ensure that the coded version is true to the website design you love. Keep in mind that some adjustments may have been discussed along the way, but you should know about them and there shouldnt be any surprises. Are the font styles right? Do bulleted lists look the way you expected them to look? If you have any rollover effects, make sure theyre working beautifully. Images: Look at the images on your site and make sure they are picture perfect. Check for any lingering watermarks and ensure your images look the way they should and have aesthetically pleasing spacing around them. Content: Check that you have all of the pages you need for your debut and that all have proper grammar, spelling etc. Browser Check: Check your website on multiple browsers. Depending on what level of design and programming you purchased, older or less common browsers may have some compatibility issues, however be sure to check your website on the most common players: Internet Explorer 7 or above, Safari, and Firefox.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Searching for the Location of Creativity :: Biology Essays Research Papers

Searching for the Location of Creativity What causes an artist to feel so passionate about his work? What leads the artist in his choice of an outlet for his creativity? What is it that inspires the artist? Is it possible that all of this is formed completely in the artists mind? Is it the case that the "gift" of creativity and genius is given to some individuals and not others, or is the gift of creativity merely the plague of a mental disorder? Do these artists even have anything in common? Whitman tends to believe that someone does have something in common with him. This is best demonstrated through his poem "Among the Multitude." Among the men and women the multitude, I perceive one picking me out by secret and divine signs, Acknowledging none else, not parent, wife, husband, brother, child, Any nearer than I am, Some are baffled, but that one is not – that one knows me. Ah lover and perfect equal , I meant that you should discover me so by faint indirections, And I when I meet you mean to discover you by the like in you. Here Whitman demonstrates a similarity between people because of some common ground. Although this poem is meant to express a hidden love between a man and a woman, the idea of a common ground work between people can be positioned between artists. In this work Whitman is saying that people with this tie between them know that it is there and can recognize it in an instant. Great artists with a creative nature share a passion for their art as well as a unique way of expressing it. Where does this passion and ability for unique expression come from? There seems to be a myth encompassing the artists with "madness." Could it be that this genius is only the result of a mental disorder? Diana Applegate seems to have explored this in her paper "Toward a Neurobiology of Creativity? Making Connections Between Art, Manic-Depressive Illness, and the Frontotemporal Dementia." She uses Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison’s book, Touched With Fire: Manic-Depressive Illness and the Artistic Temperament, as a main resource. Her final conclusion from this is that, "Jamison's book does not provide us with any answers, but it raises several new and interesting questions. If the behavioral characteristics of the creative process are similar to those of a genetic, neurobiologically-related disorder, then it is conceivable that creativity arises from the interaction of certain neurons in the brain.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Good Practice in Human Resource Management HRM – Transcript

1. Good Practice in Human Resource Management (HRM) Based on an interview with Graham Walton, Library Service Development Manager at Loughborough University ExFiles FOLIO Course – January 2007 2. Graham’s Current Role Graham is the Library Service Development Manager at Loughborough University. He is responsible for overseeing the quality /evaluation of library services, marketing and publicity, developing new services, training staff as well as human resources. 3. Main Functions of HRM HRM is about â€Å"getting the right people with the right skills in right place†. It is crucial that Library HR processes meet the strategic aims of the organisation. The HRM manager has operational responsibility to follow wider organisational policies and practices. 4. Graham’s HRM Responsibilities Graham oversees the appraisal process of all library staff. This involves the development process, monitoring progress, collating final outcomes and identifying any training needs. Graham is responsible for all human resource aspects of non-academic contract library staff. This involves seeing the HR process through from start to finish: e. . writing job descriptions and person specifications, interviewing, selection, induction, de-briefing of leaving staff etc. Graham is also heavily involved in staff development and devising training programs. 5. How has Graham acquired HRM skills? Variety of ways including: One-year HRM course as part of an MBA. Internal courses on recruitment and selection. Learning through experience: â€Å"getting on with it†. Appl ying common sense. 6. Key challenges of HRM Workforce development – staff are now expected to learn new skills on a regular basis. Need to think about how you enable your staff to do this. Organisational Structure – need to think about the best way to configure this. What is the best way for people to work together? Need to allow opportunity for people to easily step out of their teams and work with others. Culture Change – this is a universal challenge and libraries are not necessarily the best-equipped at dealing with this. This is perhaps the most difficult challenge as culture is intrinsic and deep-rooted. Work/Life Balance – how do you match flexible working needs with providing services? 7. Success Factors for Effective HRM If the following 5 factors are in place, you should have effective HRM: Follow organisational policies and procedures. Exercise Fairness – make all your decisions based on evidence. You must be able to justify all your decisions should you need to defend any of them. Attention to detail – lots of things relating to HR that you need to remember and stick to (e. g. start dates, holiday entitlements etc). Awareness of individual differences – you need to know your staff individually and be aware how different people will react differently to situations. Open-door policy – you need to be approachable and always be ready to drop everything should someone come to you with an HR issue. 8. In what way does an effective HR manager influence their staff? An effective HR Manager: Leads by example – if you expect your staff to show certain characteristics then you need to show them yourself. Be open, fair and transparent in your methods at all times. Ensure that your staff feel valued and important within the organisation. Ensure that other managers realise that they all have a responsibility for HRM – for example a team leader must take on shared responsibility for the staff development of colleagues in their team. 9. Is there anything particularly unique to library and information service HRM? Most HRM issues are generic to all organisations, whether commercial or not-for-profit. One issue that is perhaps not common, is that libraries have the â€Å"professional vs. on-professional† debate. This can cause tension and conflict, meaning that some staff do not reach their full potential. 10. Innovative HRM Practices Two things we are trying/considering at Loughborough University which we have not tried before: A pool of temporary part-time staff that we can call on at short notice to reduce the strain on existing staff during periods of annual leave/sickness. Holding recruitment open days – this would involve placing an open advert inviting people to come to the library on a certain day. Library staff would then â€Å"speed-interview† all those attending and from this it would be decided who would be invited back for further interviewing. 11. How do you see your involvement in HRM evolving in the future? The aspects to focus on in the next few years will be: Staff skills mix/workforce development and how HR can move this along. There will be even greater pressure for increased flexible working and working from home. At present, it is unclear how this will manifest itself in the Library.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Hari Raya Festival

Hari Raya Festival Hari Raya Puasa will be celebrated by the muslims after one month of fasting. Me and family as a muslims, Hari Raya Puasa is a special fasting on the month from foods and drinks from Subuh until Maghrib . This festival will be celebrate for month either. In Malaysia, we can see the muslims early prepared for the becoming special day. They decorate their house, buying new clothes and making many types of food and cookies for the special day.The night before the special day arrived, my family and I as usual    a lot of activities happen same as the other festival. I can see my parents and my grandmother will busy making delicious food, while my little brother were enjoying themselves playing fire-crackers with other family members. The house    which is located far from the town especially, will be decorated with ‘Pelita’ arrowed the house. ’Pelita’ is made up from bamboo stick actually, but now people had invented a new kind of ‘ Pelita’ which is made from plastic that is safe to used.The main menu for muslims on Hari Raya are ketupats,lemang ,rendang and many types of biscuit. These food can be seen other peoples and relatives houses. Usually, there must be held by the muslims. Different kind of races will be visiting their muslims neighbours house to celebrate together the special day. Lastly, I hope that Malaysian people can maintain that style. Every festival have their own specially. I also hope that from the coming years, Hari Raya Puasa will be celebrated more happening as I’ve done my job as a student. Amin.

Singnifcane of Role of Media

Using materials from Item C and elsewhere, assess the view that the mass media represent young people as a problem group? (18 Marks) Youth are often portrayed as a ‘problem group’ in society, and as a major source of anti – social behaviour, particularly young working class, and especially African Caribbean, males. The Mass Media often generate this excitement by creating stereotypes of young people as troublemakers, layabouts and vandals, and by exaggerating the occasional deviant behaviour by a few young people out of the proportion to its real significance in society.Media strongly affects youth culture. The media executives are quick to defend their role in youth violence and bullying while selling millions of dollars in ads focused on youth. TV producers, network executives, motion picture companies and others in the media deny any impact of their programs on the attitudes and actions of youth. This essay using materials from Item C asses the view the mass me dia represent young people as a problem group. Some Sociologist argues that the mass media represent young people as a problem group.This has been argued by Cohen. He argues that young people are relatively powerless and an easily identifiable group to blame for society’s problems and therefore the mass media are able to represent young people as a problem group. In his study he found that African Caribbean males are often used as scapegoats by the media to create a sense of unity through the creation of moral panic. Where they generated moral panics based on stereotypes means that all young people from a specific group get labelled as troublemakers and an antisocial problem group.A recent event that backs up Cohen study is the protest of the Rising in tuition fees to ? 9000, where young people were see a bad and making the situation even worse by causing trouble. Thus, showing that the media represent young people as a problem group. However, Signorelli’s (1989) conte nt analysis of over 14,000 American television characters and found that not only young characters were represent as bad but also older characters were also represented as troublemakers. Which therefore show that the media equally represent different age groups as a problem.However, Jewkes (2004) points out that young people are the usual targets of moral panics, their behaves regarded as a barometer to test the usual target of moral panics, Young people are the usual target of moral panics, their behaviour is ‘regarded as a barometer to test the health or sickness of as society’ Furthermore, Pearson (1983) argues that contemporary images usually categorise young people as a problem. He argued that during the â€Å"golden age† media had represented young people with low rates of crime and the youth had respected the police.Pearson believes that the media are in a permanent panic about whatever manifestation of ‘youth as a problem’ is current: the Hoo ligans of Victorian Times, the Teds of the 1950s or the Travellers of today. A recent event that backs up Pearson’s theory is the London Summer 2010 Riots where young people were represented in the media as trouble makers and cause of the whole disturbance, although after research had been conducted more adults were found to be looting and rioting than young people.As well as, the media did not show much of the Young people gathering together to clean the streets of London. Therefore this shows that the media represents young people as problem groups. However Pearson theory has been criticised†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ In addition, Wayne et al. (2008) had conducted a content analysis of 2130 news items across all the main television channels during May 2006. They found that young people were mainly represented as a violent threat to society. They found that it was very rare for news items to feature a young pers on’s perspective or opinion.They note that the media only delivers a one-dimensional picture of youth, one that encourages fear and condemnation rather than understanding. Moreover, they argue that it distracts from the real problems that young people face in the modern world such as homelessness, not being able to get onto the housing ladder, unemployment or mental health and that these might be caused by society’s, or the government’s, failure to take the problems of youth seriously. Thus, showing the media represent young people as a problem group. Conclusion †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã ¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Existentialism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Existentialism - Essay Example In that case, there are elements of existentialism in both pop and high culture such as films, novels and paintings among others. Existentialism is a cultural and philosophical movement that the experiences of an individual are the defining point of all philosophical thinking (Flynn 145). Therefore, in a short story such as ‘To Build a Fire’ by Jack London, it is about the unfortunate tale of a man who falls victim to the power of nature. This happens when he goes for an expedition to a wild environment in Yukon with sub-freezing temperatures. The man struggles against the hostility of the weather when his feet get wet through the ice that is found in water including a hot freezing point. Therefore, in order to save himself, it is upon man to generate some warmth by lighting a fire to prevent his feet from freezing. On that brief account, the theme of existentialism is depicted in the inability of man to extricate him from the turbulent forces of nature. In other words, the man is in a cruel habitat with indifference in terms of according him peace and harmony. It thus compels him to accept the meaningless and indignity of nature. The man finally resigns to fate and discovers that nature is powerful and the only mercy is to play his role of protecting himself. Alternatively, it is imperative to note that there are several existentialistic themes discussed by Jack London in the short story. For example, there is the theme of despair that is apparent in the inability of the man to control nature. The man develops a deep dread of lighting a fire after his legs become wet because the forces of nature are extremely powerful. However, in the philosophical study of existentialism, despair is an inborn part of a human being despite the motivating forces of the feeling. In his book Works of Love, Kierkegaard notes â€Å"†¦Lovingly to hope all things is the opposite of despairingly to hope nothing at all† (Flynn 246). This suggests that irrespect ive of the feelings of the man at the moment of being overwhelmed by nature, there is nothing substantial he can do to avoid the feelings of despair. Furthermore, the state of despair is noted when the raging snow in Yukon extinguishes his fire and becomes apprehensive that he may lose his toes because of the tormenting frostbites. Afterwards, he decides to gather grass and twigs to try and light another fire despite the numbness of his frozen fingers. Later, the man lapses into a state of angst that leads him to do some desperate moves to help him. Therefore, this leads to another fundamental theme of existentialism that deals with anger or angst. According to the famous proponents of existentialism such as Camus and Sartre, angst may also take the designs of anxiety or anguish, and it means the freedom to do anything because the choice is human responsibility. In the story, after the man discovers that he cannot light a fire with frozen fingers, the available freedom of choice com pels him to collect all his matches and set them all ablaze. This angst also leads him to raze a piece of bark including his own hands in the last anguish to save him from the terrible desperation. This is what Jean Sartre notes in his essay â€Å"Existentialism is a Humanism† as â€Å"†¦man is in anguish, meaning that he who chooses cannot escape a deep responsibility

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Tourisme in Dubai Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Tourisme in Dubai - Essay Example In fact, the author quotes that, â€Å"Decisions about tourism were made against a background of falling oil production and a keen sense of the urgency of economic diversity (Henderson 91).† The source relates the growth in tourism in Dubai to heavy investment and extensive marketing. Ultimately, the source discusses the factors, which promote tourism in Dubai and the challenges that might hinder future tourism in Dubai. The article is an effective source of information in studying tourism in Dubai. Indeed, the source is authoritative since it resides in an international journal, International Journal of Tourism Research. As such, the information contained therein is internationally accepted and applicable in research. Moreover, the source uses a simple, international language, which is understandable at my basic level of expertise. At the same time, the information contained in the source addresses tourism in Dubai, which is relevant to the research topic and the thesis statement. Actually, the source quotes that, â€Å"As such, Dubai merits examination and this paper explores the pattern of development there and its underlying dynamics within the context of factors that are critical to destination development and barriers obstructing such a process (Henderson 87)†. Furthermore, the source presents historical and factual data in addressing tourism in Dubai. Notably, the source details information up to 2006 (Henderson 89). Although 2006 may not reflect the current tourism situation in Dubai, the information is true and reasonable for this study. Moreover, the author, Joan C. Henderson is a well-known academician. Indeed, the author derives authority as she works for internationally known schools, Nanyang Business School and Nanyang Technological University as an Associate Professor. Moreover, the author has written other academic books. She holds a Master’s degree in Tourism and has done various researches on Tourism. As such, we can rely on her

Monday, October 7, 2019

Marketing and Consumers Priorities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marketing and Consumers Priorities - Essay Example I can get the information regarding new courses as well as happenings and I can contact my overseas friends through e-mail. I can use the computer for chatting with my friends. I know the information and news through websites. I use the computer and it's accessories to see the news papers and news portals and scan as well as download the required images and content. Using a printer I can take printouts of the content I need for my job. I can keep myself and my company connected to different news agencies so that they keep us update with the latest news. I can design a greeting card of my own in my computer and hence I can use it for commercial purposes. With the computer we can do the audio, video mixing and get the compact discs and DVDs of my own. Reading books through internet can help in reducing the burden of purchasing them though we cannot avoid the purchasing of all the books. Being connected with libraries and universities, one can get access to lot of amount of literature t hrough electronic libraries. The brand of the computer I have brought is Compaq and the printer belongs to Hewlett Packard. The scanner also belongs to Hewlett Packard. ... The needs of other customers differ from that of mine and they differ in case of personal use as well as commercial ones. They use the same computer to produce some advanced and innovative products and they develop the business through computerizing their activities. For example, the banking sector, telecommunications, travelling and tourism, medical sector, Video games, washing machines, aero planes, cruise services, planning and scheduling, weather analysis also find applications with computers and accessories. For Example a tour operator uses the computer for reservations and booking of hotel rooms, train, and aeroplane tickets through computer. The telecommunication sector is also utilizing the computerized and now a days the presence of number of telephone operators created a competition between them to provide different services to the people. Internet service providers, internet cafes use the computers for amusement like video games as well as for other purposes. Bankers utili ze computers for their daily banking activities. By using computers they need not to refer the big ledgers and registers and this reduces their work burden and saves time. Bankers can know all details of customers by a click of a mouse. Money can be transferred from one account to another without any trouble. The ATM network of the banks works the basis of computers and other electronic appliances. Every industry is using computerization for developing knowledge and to improve their business. The automatic washing machines also work with the help of computerized mechanism (, 2009). The Needs of the Customers who buy Other Products from the Same Manufacturer I have bought a desktop from Compaq and some other customers may buy a note book or laptop